join us this sunday
join us in person or online every sunday
at 10:30 AM
Accessible parking and wheelchair/stroller entry is available behind our building (via elevator). Space is also available for our first-time guests. Just follow the signs on Brownway Ave.
Our elevator is located at the rear of our building, close to the accessible parking.
Nursery available: birth - 3 years
Children's programming available:
Children 4yrs - 6th grade will begin in the sanctuary. After our Children's Story, Children's Circle volunteers will lead all children to the lower level for additional programming.
What to expect
Good coffee. Good music. An inspiring message. A place you can call home.
Services last approximately 60 minutes.
What to wear
We are a mostly casual group (jeans, shirt, shoes or sneakers), but feel free to dress up or dress down. It doesn't matter to us!
For more information contact us.